Carlsbad Lawn Aeration Services

We all want healthy lawns, but sometimes they need a little help. Lawn aeration is one of the most effective ways to get your grass back on track. Not only does it remove thatch and excess that may have built up over time, but it also helps promote water absorption into the soil. If you are looking for long-term solutions to your lawn’s health problems, give Carlsbad Lawn Care a call at (919)-123-4567 or visit today! 

Lawn aeration is an essential part of any type of gardening because it can help with everything from pest control to irrigation. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for people in Carlsbad to forget to aerate your lawn, but it can be one of the most beneficial things for your grass. Lawn aeration takes little time and helps more than you might think.

What is lawn aeration?

Aeration is one of the most critical steps in your lawn care regimen. Aerating removes compacted soil, allowing for water, air, and nutrients to reach the grass roots. This process also helps reduce thatch buildup by loosening the top layer so moisture can penetrate deep into the root zone. When you aerate your lawn correctly, you’ll see small pieces of dirt on your lawn after each session which signals that it’s working. 

It is also essential to prevent turf disease. Lawn diseases are caused by fungi or bacteria that thrive in decomposing organic matter, so removing dead grass by raking or dethatching will starve the fungus of its food supply because it won’t have anything to feed on. Lawn core aeration helps do this because it creates holes where water can penetrate the roots instead of running off into ditches or gutters.

How to aerate your lawn

Aeration can be done anytime during the year and should take place before and after you fertilize your lawn. Lawn aerators will pull out plugs of soil, depending on how tall or thick your grass is. Lawn aerators come in various styles and sizes, but basically, they all do the same thing: poking holes into your lawn.

Several types of equipment can be used for this aeration process, such as manual-action pluggers (which require some physical labor), power core aerators (powered by gas or electricity), and spiked shoes that work similarly to those worn by ice skaters. The main difference between those devices is the size, weight, and many soil plugs created. Lawn rollers flatten or crush the soil. Lawn rollers or tampers may be used in combination with plugging equipment.

When you aerate your lawn, make sure to take a highlighter and mark each spot where you aerated the ground so that you can see what has been covered and what hasn’t been done yet. Lawn core aeration typically takes place once a year, but it might vary from state to state depending on the season when it is celebrated, usually during early spring or fall. Lawn aerators will pull out plugs of soil, depending on how tall or thick your grass is. Lawn aerators come in various styles and sizes, but basically, they all do the same thing: punch holes into your lawn.

When should I get my lawn aerated in Carlsbad, CA?

This aeration process is most often done in the spring and fall, but timing can vary depending on your location. Lawns that are watered frequently will require less frequent aeration because the soil will have less oxygen. Lawns that are under-watered or trees overhead can cause soil compaction, requiring more regular aeration. Lawn care professionals may recommend spiking your lawn during dry weather to alleviate soil compaction and if it has been adequately irrigated but still appears to have soil compaction. Lawns with heavy foot traffic may also benefit from spikes every week to not damage their root system.

Who needs to aerate their lawn?

Lawn aeration is not recommended for homeowners with small lawns, but it can benefit large yards. Lawn aeration helps water penetrate the grass roots, stimulating root growth, making your lawn thicker and lusher. Lawn core aeration also removes thatch, allowing water and fertilizer to reach deeper into the soil layering where they are needed most. Lawn aeration helps feed roots by removing dead grass clippings that would otherwise decompose at the soil surface.


Can’t afford yard care services in Carlsbad, CA? At Carlsbad Lawn Care, we know that our customers’ time and resources are limited. We strive to provide lawn maintenance services in Carlsbad, CA, at a competitive cost. Don’t hesitate to contact us for an entire lawn aeration estimate and let us aerate your lawn and take care of your lawn care needs!